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Personal Injury

Why you should keep a journal to document information about your case

By October 19, 2021January 22nd, 2025No Comments

You may believe that you can remember all of the details about the important events of your life, but if you are like most people, then that probably isn’t the case. Memories fade over time, become muddled and out of order, or just change over time. 

Because human beings generally have a poor record of accurately remembering the past, especially after a traumatic event, attorneys often recommend that their clients maintain a journal.

Not only can writing down events as they happen help you retain key details of your life during a case, but it may also help jog your memory about past incidents that could greatly aid your case. 

In fact, it can be helpful to get into the habit of documenting your life during your case, extended negotiation process, and health recovery so that you can keep all of the relevant details organized and available for future reference. Read on to learn more from our attorneys at the Gilbert Law Firm.

Types of claims where keeping a journal is helpful:

  1. Motor vehicle crashA journal can help document how you’re doing in your recovery from day to day, how much pain you have, how difficult it is to do things, and even document how your family is handling things. This is extremely helpful in traumatic brain injury cases and cases where there has been a substantial change in a person’s life. It’s even helpful in simple “soft tissue” neck/back sprain/strain cases as defense attorneys and insurance companies often claim that your injury isn’t as serious if it isn’t visible.
  2. Medical negligence claimTimelines and the timing of events are almost always important for proving both liability and damages. When you have a medical event that isn’t going well, start writing. Your journal or notes can become vital information to prove your case later if you do end up with a permanent harm due to medical negligence.
  3. Employment wrongful discharge or discrimination claimDocumenting what’s going on at work can be crucial information for your lawyer to have; it may prove critical for your case to show when an employer fails to follow the law in the workplace. Employers, or the HR department can fail to document things, may neglect to investigate timely and thoroughly, or may even be unable to find performance reviews and meeting notes after litigation begins. 
  4. Police excessive force casesDocument the event(s) as soon as you can after it took place. Law enforcement is required to prepare reports regarding their perception of events. Therefore, since you felt you were not treated appropriately and sustained a serious injury, it’s important to document what you recall happening. You want to be able to rely on your notes and documentation you made at the time to have the best memory of the event as you possibly can. You can also document the physical and emotional challenges you experience as you try to recover.

Trust The Gilbert Law Firm

If you need to bring a personal injury, civil rights, or medical malpractice claim against someone who has wronged you, The Gilbert Law Firm can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and talk about your options for your case.

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