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Truck Accidents

Unraveling the Impact of Driver Negligence in Commercial Trucking Accidents in Washington

In commercial trucking cases, few factors contribute as much to liability as a driver’s negligence. The actions and inactions of truck drivers affect the safety of both the drivers and the motoring public. 

In this blog, the truck accident lawyers at the Gilbert Law Firm in Spokane, Washington examine issues related to driver negligence in commercial trucking accidents, implications of fatigue, distracted driving, and impaired driving.

The Toll of Fatigue: Hours of Service Violations and Road Safety

One of the main causes of commercial trucking accidents is driver fatigue. The demanding schedules of truck drivers, coupled with long hours on the road, can lead to exhaustion and impaired cognitive function. 

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (“FMCSR”) limit truck drivers’ hours of service to prevent fatigue-related accidents.  The purpose of these regulations is to protect both the drivers and the motoring public. Violating these regulations can result in impaired judgment, slower reaction times, and an increased risk of accidents.  Fatigue can mimic the effects of alcohol impairment, making drowsy driving a serious hazard. Truck drivers who push beyond their limits may exhibit signs of fatigue, such as drifting between lanes, delayed reactions, and an inability to concentrate.

This devastating affects of driver fatigue is especially evident for companies like Amazon, who are notorious for pushing drivers to their limits to meet demanding delivery deadlines and expectations. 

Distracted Driving: Navigating the Hazards Beyond the Road

Because of technology, distracted driving has become a pervasive issue in the trucking industry.  Drivers frequently have dash-mounted cameras, cell phones, GPS devices, among any number of other potentially distracting devices inside the cab of the truck. Truck drivers face unique challenges in maintaining focus on the road while managing various devices. Common examples of distracted driving include:

  • Mobile Phone Use: Texting, calling, or using mobile devices while driving diverts attention from the road and increases the risk of accidents. Investigating phone records and device usage can provide insights into the driver’s actions leading up to the incident.
  • GPS and Navigation Distractions: While GPS devices are essential for navigation, constant adjustments and interactions with these devices can distract drivers from the primary task of operating the vehicle safely.
  • Multitasking Challenges: Truck drivers often have multiple responsibilities, including communication with dispatch, monitoring cargo, and adhering to delivery schedules. Balancing these tasks without compromising safety requires focused attention and proper time management.
Truck Accident Lawyers in Spokane, Washington

Commercial truck driver negligence stands as one of many significant factors in commercial trucking accidents, and understanding its various manifestations is crucial for those seeking justice. Whether it be the consequences of fatigue, the hazards of distracted driving, or the severe risks associated with impaired driving, the Gilbert Law Firm is committed to helping victims navigate the complexities of commercial trucking cases. 

If you or a loved one has been impacted by a commercial trucking accident, we are here to provide support, guidance, and dedicated advocacy. Contact us online or by calling (509) 321-0750 today. 

Disclaimer: The blog published by the Gilbert Law Firm marketing team for informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. There is no attorney-client relationship between the reader and the blog publisher. Readers are urged to consult their own legal counsel on any specific legal questions concerning a specific situation.

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